What to ask at the 12-week scan
Second Trimester

What to ask at the 12-week scan

The 12 week scan is a big day, with lots of emotions rushing around. This pregnancy scan is an important one, so it helps to have a list of questions handy. It’s easy to forget things when you’re in front of the monitor.

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Ask how much to undress for the scan. If it’s your first time, there’s no harm in asking.
157 157
Ask for a modesty cover-up if preferred. Playsuits and dresses are cute, but they’re a bit exposing when it comes to a scan.
131 131
Ask what the 12-week scan looks for if it hasn’t already been explained.
257 257
Ask about baby’s development.
334 334
Ask about a picture before they start scanning –hospitals often have different policies about printing scans to keep.
301 301
Ask the sonographer if it’s possible to record the audio of the heartbeat on a phone.
306 306
Ask about the foetal heartbeat and if it sounds normal.
294 294
Ask about the accuracy of foetal heartbeat phone apps.
166 166
Ask when your next scan is and what to expect.
304 304

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