Baby’s first steps? Walk this way.
15 - 18 Months

Baby’s first steps? Walk this way.

It’s both thrilling and terrifying watching your baby take those tentative first steps. Here are a few ways you can help them learn to walk and make that giant leap for toddler-kind.

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Tempt them with an interesting toy placed on a sturdy/heavy chair or sofa.
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Encourage them to pull themselves up to reach it.
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Standing up is often followed by a sudden bum-plonk back down so stay close by (though nappies do absorb quite a lot of impact!)
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If your baby’s standing confidently holding onto furniture, try holding their hand to see if they’d like to try walking.
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Alternatively, you could encourage them to ‘cruise’ along holding on to (fixed, stable) furniture.
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A push-along toy can help them start to move away from the furniture.
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Try offering a hand for them to walk with you.
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Smile and give lots of praise and cuddles for all their attempts, successful or not.
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When you think they might be ready you can kneel a couple of feet away from them and call them to you, holding out your arms and smiling encouragement.
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Once they’re walking fairly confidently make sure you re-check your home to make it safe from obstacles as well as things that were not in reach before.
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Check: stability of furniture, rugs (non-slip), stair gates are properly installed and used.
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