Questions to ask at the first midwife appointment
First Trimester

Questions to ask at the first midwife appointment

The time has come for that very first midwife appointment. Ooh… exciting. You might want to ask a few questions and here are some to think about over the coming appointments.

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Ask about any risk of conditions or complications.
470 470
Ask about any upcoming screenings.
430 430
Ask about pregnancy diet. What to eat and what to avoid.
439 439
Ask about pregnancy exercises and how much, is too much.
421 421
Ask about sex during pregnancy.
349 349
Ask about travelling during pregnancy.
353 353
Ask about beauty products. There may be things to avoid.
335 335
Ask about sun safety during pregnancy.
261 261
Ask about medications while pregnant. There could be a few no-no’s.
382 382
Ask about the best antenatal vitamins.
371 371
Ask about antenatal classes. When do they start? Where?
484 484
Ask about pregnancy weight gain, what to expect on the scales and when.
349 349
Ask about sleeping positions.
455 455
Ask about common pregnancy symptoms and which ones call for medical attention.
361 361
Ask about the birthing plan and when to start it.
485 485
Ask about delivery options. What’s on the table? Or the birthing ball, even…
386 386
Ask about pelvic floor exercises. Easy squeezy.
394 394
Ask about a mat B1 form later in pregnancy, for when you go on maternity leave.
455 455

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