Healthy breastfeeding diet
0 - 3 Months

Healthy breastfeeding diet

Your breastfeeding diet affects your baby almost as much as you. So, here’s a few recommendations to consider including what to eat and what not to eat when breastfeeding

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Try and eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fibre.
129 129
When it comes to fruit and veg, keep eating at least five portions a day.
125 125
Limit caffeine when breastfeeding as it may keep baby awake
119 119
It’s best to avoid drinking alcohol and breastfeeding altogether.
110 110
If you’re exclusively breastfeeding you’ll need an extra 330 calories of healthy food a day for the first six months.
123 123
Drink 6-8 glasses of fluids a day. When breastfeeding, have a drink by your side.
131 131
Eat lots of protein rich food such as lean meat, chicken, eggs, nuts, seeds, and pulses which are good sources of iron.
129 129
Eat dairy or suitable plant-based substitutes, for calcium and protein.
119 119
Take a daily breastfeeding supplement with 10 micrograms of Vitamin D.
121 121
Avoid eating fish high in mercury such as shark, swordfish and marlin.
103 103
Oily fish such as mackerel are OK but no more than 2 portions a week.
104 104
Prepare healthy nibbles before you go to bed to snack on during night feeds.
129 129

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