How to deal with first trimester anxiety
First Trimester

How to deal with first trimester anxiety

First Trimester Anxiety? You’re not alone, 1 in 10 pregnant women experience this pregnancy symptom in their first trimester. Here’s how to keep the feelings at bay.

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Used by
Ask trusted people to lend an ear. Talking helps.
166 166
Try not to feel guilty or embarrassed.
176 176
Try to keep active, it’s good for you and baby.
257 257
Try and rest up when needed.
230 230
Try for some ‘me time’ at least once a day. Maybe with a warm bath or a podcast on a walk?
199 199
Ask nearest and dearest for practical help. Cooking, shopping, taking care of kids, whatever helps take a load off.
128 128
Consider meeting up with people in the same boat. Ask a GP or midwife for forums or local groups.
123 123
Try to take a break from coffee breaks. There’s a recommended limit to caffeine during pregnancy and it can increase anxiety.
137 137
Eat well. Proper nutrition is essential. Now, more than ever.
240 240
Try complementary therapies like relaxation massage or meditation. Mindfulness apps are helpful.
133 133
Try simple breathing exercises for stress.
163 163
Try planning ahead. Writing down small steps each week can help you get back in control.
167 167
Turn to a healthcare professional if you need more support.
126 126

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