Coping with morning sickness at the start of pregnancy
First Trimester

Coping with morning sickness at the start of pregnancy

Morning sickness can rear its ugly head day or night. Especially at the start of pregnancy. Here’s a few things that could help make the first, delicate trimester a little easier to stomach.

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Drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated.
335 335
Eat bland starchy foods little and often. Dry crackers usually go down well.
209 209
Eat cold meals if the smell of hot ones causes pregnancy nausea.
149 149
Avoid spicy or rich foods.
143 143
Avoid foods that smell unpalatable.
146 146
Eat carbs with meals.
175 175
Eat little and often.
250 250
Have a small snack first thing in the morning to avoid an empty stomach.
211 211
Drink ginger tea or eat anything gingery.
193 193
Take a note of what you eat to see if you can learn which foods trigger nausea.
151 151
Try getting some fresh air.
218 218
Try getting some rest.
218 218
Ask your nearest and dearest for practical help. Cooking, shopping, taking care of kids, whatever helps take a load off.
128 128
If morning sickness/vomiting are affecting your quality of life or if you urine is very dark, please contact your GP as soon as possible.
131 131

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